Séminaire n°45

The Impact of Visual Cues on the Judgment of Music Performance

Intervenante :
Chia-Jung Tsay, Prof. University College London

Contact :
c.tsay(at)ucl.ac.uk, http://www.ucl.ac.uk/msi/profile/chia-jung-tsay/

Date : 3/03/2014

Abstract :
Social judgments and impressions are often made on the basis of minimal information. In the domain of music, people consistently report that the most important source of information in evaluating performance is sound; nonetheless, twelve experiments demonstrated that people actually rely on visual information when making judgments about music performance. These findings were extended through additional experiments elaborating on the generalizability and persistence of these effects throughout domains and levels of analyses, using a multidisciplinary approach, with discussion of the role of expertise in decision making and the implications for organizational performance and outcomes.