Sounds accompanying the conference paper

"A modal approach to the numerical simulation of a string vibrating against an obstacle: applications to sound synthesis"

by Clara Issanchou, Stefan Bilbao, Jean-Loïc Le Carrou, Cyril Touzé and Olivier Doaré

International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx-16, Brno.

Presented sounds are related to the conference paper available at

Convergence (velocity at the bridge):
Fe = 128 kHz

Fe = 256 kHz

Fe = 512 kHz

Fe = 1024 kHz

No obstacle, plucking at x = L/5:

Point obstacle, plucking at x = L/5:

Point obstacle, plucking at x = 4L/5:

Distributed obstacle, plucking at x = L/5: